The Art Of Margaret Warfield

Art that touches the soul

Celebrating Women

Margaret WarfieldComment

The woman that I am honoring today is not found in history books. Her name is not mentioned in the “Who’s Who” of famous African American women or the Hall Of Fame. This woman, to this day, continues to be a source of strength and determination in my life. We called her, Momma Cathy, my grandmother. She was the mother of seven children, firm in her faith and dedicated to her husband. I believe that my creative talents came from her, she created hand-crafted quilts. I came across this quote today, “Be the things you love most about the people who are gone.” – Anonymous. This quote caused me to reminisce about this down to earth woman who disciplined me, and taught me, not so much with words, but in her actions, the foundation for being me. My Mother said to me one day, “You are just like Momma Cathey.” I carry those words in my heart as a source of pride and history. Let’s take a moment to celebrate those women who’s positive affirming personalities have helped to mold each of us. #supportingwomenownedbusiness #africanamericanwomen

Be the things you loved most about the

people who are gone. “ -Anonymous